All in-stock products are typically shipped on the same day.
Almost all orders are shipped through UPS. You will automatically receive a tracking number when your order has been shipped. You can track it directly with the link in your email.
You can see all shipping options for your location through the checkout system.
Packages are shipped from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, within one business day.
Transit times are roughly as follows:
Domestic (within The Netherlands): 1 business day
Within EU (including UK and CH): 2-3 business days
Everywhere else: 4-5 business days
If you have specific customs requirements, please contact me at and I’m sure we’ll reach a solution.
If something happens with your shipment or it is delayed, it is my responsibility and I will do everything I can to fix it.
You can return any item you want within 14 days of receipt for any reason. Please send a message to if you’d like to return something.
If you'd like to receive an email when this product is back in stock, please leave your email address. Your email address will not be used for anything else.